In today's online issue the EUOBSERVER confirmed what has been stated in this blog on Friday, 24 June 2011 that NATO will not intervene in the SYRIAN upraise.
See article link:
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. Albert Einstein
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Global Society Gamblers
RATING AGENCIES, THE FEDERAL RESERVE, THE PARIS CLUB, THE IMF, brokers and speculator, all are part of the “CASINO FINANCE” the world is currently suffering from.
- RATING AGENCIES are private enterprises which in economic terms only purpose is to generate revenue and thus can hardly be considered as impartial.
- Key RATING AGENCIES are solely AMERICAN based firms, thus adding to conflict of interest when it comes to bias ratings.
- Rating Agencies have no legitimate cause other then service the interests of brokers and speculators.
- Spreading rumors on a countries default by rating agencies would probably not occur, if the rating agencies hadn’t spread the rumor in the first place.
Since the stock exchange with its brokers and speculators became addicted to “Casino Finance” the entire economic system relied more and more on the influence of speculators and thus dubious organizations as well as private rating agencies emerged and gained Eco-Political influence.
Not only are rating agencies in most likelihood influenced by large enterprises, but they also are private enterprises, which in economic terms are there to generate profits, thus such agencies can hardly be considered as impartial when it comes to rate countries and economies, especial if one considers that all key player rating agencies are based in the USA.
Despite this conflict of interests, Rating Agencies gained influence thanks to the “Casino Finance” trend on the stock exchange. Thus we have American Rating Agencies conducting ratings and evaluations on economies and countries around the globe, based solely on American Eco – Political interests.
Based on their ratings, which by no means have proven to be accurate in many cases in recent past, a country can tumble into economic and financial turmoil only because a rating agency deemed it necessary to downgrade it.
Rumors on a countries default spread by rating agencies, who service the gamblers of the financial markets and who sometimes bet on company bankruptcy and economy defaults in various countries, would probably not occur, if they hadn’t spread the rumor in the first place.
Bias Rating Agencies have no legitimate cause other then service the interests of brokers and speculators. Since market speculation has become a key element in global economy it is time that Europe, Asia and Latin America counteract in creating their own rating agencies in order to create an equilibrium the predominantly American entity.
AS I SEE IT: Observing the current financial and economic crisis and the hype around the speculative financial market, one cannot dismiss the comparison to the MONOPOLY game, only in this case it’s a GLOBAL FINANCIAL MONOPOLY GAME with real people bearing the consequences.
See background information on Rating Agencies:
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Could it be that GREECE is just the scapegoat for the entire political mismanagement of the EUROPEAN UNION?
Food for Thought
Views and opinion voiced by common people of different educational backgrounds and social levels.
- Theoretically speaking a country cannot default, the entire process is superficial. If you take into consideration that almost 90% of the entire worldwide money transactions are no physical, one has to question the entire monetary system.
- The entire worldwide monetary system, with its speculators, stock exchanges and rating agencies all in all is a big gambling machine politicians and the establishment uses to play on the cost of the common people.
- GREECE’S default will only unleash the genie that will haunt all of EUROPE
- GREECE’S default creates a even stronger rift in EUROPE between left versus right and integration versus disintegration
- Thanks to EUROPE’S shortsighted technocratic politicians, the downward spiral of the continent is turning faster.
- Lack of long-term visions and the need of migration will turn EUROPE into a massive poor “Old People’s Home”
Friday, 24 June 2011
- SYRIA cleverly exploits WESTERN Powers “ISLAMOPHOBIA”, the conflict with ISRAEL and the ethnicity conflict to its advantage
- Risk of civil war with similar outcome as in IRAQ make Western Powers reluctant to support the fall of the current regime.
- NATO member states lack both, financial as well as logistic capacity nor the political willingness to intervene in the SYRIAN conflict.
- A new but in most likelihood instable regime in SYRIA is something TURKEY and LEBANON oppose for fear of spreading instability in their country.
As stated in my previous article “THE ASSAD DILEMMA” it seems more and more likely that the SYRIAN regime is going to survive the uprising simply because it knows how to exploit the Western powers “Islamophobia”, the conflict with ISRAEL and the ethnicity issue.
Furthermore it would not be in interest of the Western powers of having another unstable civil war like scenario in region, which would only play in the hands of IRAN.
Western Powers still struggle with their misjudgment of the IRAQ invasion after “liberating” the country from SADDAM HUSSEIN. The chances of a similar scenario in SYRIA, at the doorsteps to ISRAEL and subsequent IRANIAN warmongering would not be something Western Powers would want, not only for political reasons but also for economic reasons.
NATO as such is already stretched to its limit, both logistically and financially. Neither the US government nor the EUROPEAN UNION will be in the financial position to intervene in SYRIA in case of an escalating civil war, or in the worst case scenario, a confrontation between SYRIA and ISRAEL. In which case SYRIA would most probably supported by IRAN.
Besides WESTERN Powers, TURKEY and LEBANON are opposing a tumbling of the current SYRIAN regime, for fear of strengthening the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and other emerging JIHADI Sects, within the close proximity of both countries.
Monday, 20 June 2011
Food for thought
Countries with vast amount of water resources will be the economic and political key players of the world in the not too distant future. Not only will water be as valuable as oil is nowadays, it will also change the political landscape.
European countries located along the Alps are fortunate to have vast amount of water resources to their disposal. Most probably they will export the golden commodity sooner or later.
But to have water is not enough. The world population is growing and the demand for food is growing. To produce food requires water and space to grow corps and have enough land available to feed live stock.
Europe might have the water resources but lacks sufficient land to be an important food producer, where as Latin American countries bordering the Andes mountain range with its vast amount of water and land resources will not only be the leading food and water supplier for the globe, but subsequently rise to a political as well as economic power broker, just as are at presence the oil producing countries.
In the not too distant future wars will be fought over water, thus making countries with large water resources vulnerable to hostile foreign interests.
See related links:
Sunday, 19 June 2011
“Does Turkey really need the EU?”
- TURKEYS thriving economy and geo-political influence is growing stronger in the BALKANS as well as the MIDDLE EAST
- EUROPE’S dept crisis and subsequent dependence on the IMF could change TURKEYS mind to join the EU
- TURKEY is at the verge of becoming one of the most influential power brokers between Orient and Oxidant
- TURKEY is expected to be the fastest growing economy of the OECD members during 2011-2017
The EU, as in most cases is deeply divided when it comes to the acceptance of TURKEY in the union. If the EU continues to prolong its indecisiveness regarding subject matter, TURKEY might well be changing its mind and turn its back altogether on Europe, for in reality it does not need the EU as much as the EU in most likelihood needs TURKEY in the near future.
Contrary to EUROPE, TURKEY’S economy is thriving; its geo-political influence in the Balkans, especially in BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA as well as in the MIDDLE EAST is growing and thus becoming a significant broker in both, economical and political issues, whereas the EU looses significance on eco-political influences in its close vicinity.
According to the website of the TURKISH STATISTICS INSTITUTE based in Ankara, GDP increased an annual 11.7 percent. TURKEY is expected to be the fastest growing economy of the OECD members during 2011-2017, with an annual average growth rate of 6.7 percent. The country survived the global crisis without Bank bailouts as was the case in many EU countries which were hit by the global economic crisis.

In view of these facts, TURKEY might be better off to focus on independent economic growth with emphasis on emerging economies such as RUSSIA, ASIA, SOUTH AMERICA etc. rather than a economic stagnating, orthodox, immigrant unfriendly and heavily divided EUROPEAN UNION, which in the near future will see a total collapse of its social security and welfare and most likely economic system, as a result of an aging population, dept ridden society and ignorant technocrats in Brussels.
Geo-politically speaking, TURKEY has been a clever strategist and tactician in BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA and slowly expanded its influence in the predominantly Muslim part of the Federation. But not only in the Balkans, also in the MIDDLE EAST, has TURKEY become more and more a key player in international politics as well as economics.
Background Information: See
Food for Thought: According to a survey conducted by the GERMAN Marshall Plan Fond in 2011 only 38 % of Turks support joining the EU. In 2004 there were 73% supporting EU membership.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
- EHEC virus used as a geo-economic tool to create an eco strategic scenario among rivaling entities within the European Union?
- EU subsidies for farmers and producers affected by the EHEC virus allegedly amount to 210 Million Euro. Is this the real reason of the outbreak?
- Pharma and Agriculture Industry behind EHEC scare?
- Obtaining impartial information from mainstream media is becoming scares these days for neither print nor visual media are independent entities
EHEC scare and the Pharmaceutical Industry
Within the last couple of years the world has increasingly been confronted with viruses such as Swine Flu, Bird Flu and last but not least the EHEC virus. In the case of the Swine Flu the WHO (World Health Organization) declared a pandemic. Later, rumors mounted that allegedly the Pharma Industry collaborated with the WHO in order to share the financial benefits such pandemic creates for the industry.
Some even argued that the Pharmaceutical Industry sponsors the WHO and has allegedly some of the organizations decision makers on the payroll. In case of EHEC, cucumbers gown in Spain were initially blamed for the virus, causing tremendous economic harm to the agricultural sector of the country.
Pharmaceutical companies, under pressure from competition, shareholders and the need to develop new profitable drugs use such opportunities to market their products whenever there are allegedly new viruses and contagious diseases spreading, either deliberately or by coincident. In the end it is all about markets. And in recent past, reports on such viruses have been on the increase.
Once Spain destroyed tons of cucumbers, authorities reported that the cucumber from Spain was not the cause for spreading the virus. The damage was done, or was it? Could it be that the EHEC virus is used as a geo-economic tool to create an eco strategic scenario which has advantages for certain entities within the European Union?
As a subsequence of the EHEC cucumber blame, Spain was forced to eliminate a large amount of their top agricultural export product, thus losing, both reputation and allegedly vast amount of money.
Mainstream European media, who depend on funding and advertising from corporations and large enterprises, quickly took up the bait to blame Spain, one of the vulnerable EU member state, for the cause of EHEC. Playing with the fear of people when it comes to contagious diseases is and always has been a fool prove concept to generate profit, one way or the other......
Background Information: See
Food for Thought:
Geo-economically speaking EHEC costs the EU allegedly 210 Million Euros to compensate the agricultural sectors affected by the virus. On the other hand Agricultural subsidies in the EU have always been a challenge and stir of discussions and controversy.
Who profits from the 210 Million Euros? See also and
Common people have to believe what the mainstream media tells them. There is no way for common citizens to crosscheck main stream media reports. Most of us take the info provided to us for grant. So if the main stream media reports that up to now already an X amount of people are infected by the EHEC virus, the public is already opinionated, without being able to verify the claim.
And media on the other hand are under the influence of their donors and sponsors, who in most cases are large corporations with specific interests, thus obtaining impartial information is almost impossible.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
The Assad dilemma
Subject: Middle East
Food for Thought
The Assad dilemma
- Fear of civil war is imminent
- Tumbling of regime could be used by fundamentalists to seize power
- Foreign entities are uncertain to either support or oppose the Assad regime for fear of greater instability in the Middle East
Despite numerous claims that the Syrian regime is about to tumble, one has to consider if foreign entities really are favoring such objective for there are too many unknowns in such scenario. Until the uprising, the country has been rather “stable” in terms of keeping fundamentalism among other issues at bay. A tumble of the regime could easily trigger unpredicted clashes among rival fractions which could lead the country to civil war and subsequently to uprising of fundamentalist, a situation the USA, Israel and Europe are eager to prevent.
In most likelihood, as is the case with Egypt and Tunisia, mainstream media will slowly but surely cease to report on Syria’s “Revolution” and subsequently public interest will subside, thus permitting the regime to continue its agenda.
During the second Gulf War the USA could have easily “liberated” Syria, but refrained from doing so, since they realized, or obtained relevant information to the fact that if they tumble the Assad regime, they will face the same dilemma as in Iraq, namely a civil war among the various rival fractions which so far had been kept “under controlled “in Syria by the Assad regime.
In the long run the Syrian upraise will most likely not succeed to tumble the current regime, simply because, geopolitical speaking it is not in the interest of various foreign entities to have a unknown, unpredictable and in the worst case scenario a fundamental extremist governing body ruling Syria.
Background Information: See also an interesting article regarding Syria at
Food for Thought: Most media covering the Syrian protests, mention that Facebook, Mobile Phones and the Internet are the key factors which triggered the protest waves in Arabic countries and keep feeding Syrian protesters with information. Knowing how rigorous the Assad regime, or any other regime in countries such as Egypt, Tunisia etc., monitor and control Internet access it seems rather questionable if the internet is or was the powerful tool which triggered the upraising.
Furthermore one has to consider where the Syrian protest started. In Daraa, a city in the south of Syria, which has a far lesser infrastructure then Damascus, where the majority of people are living below the poverty line.
Thus internet access, in most likelihood, is not such a common as widely believed. Sending a private fax from the central post office in Damascus requires the sender to leave a photocopy of the Fax with the authorities in order to control the content. Internet was only introduced in Syria around 2002 and mobile phone services even later.
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