Tuesday 27 September 2016

We are taking some time out

For the time being we are not going to post new reports

We will however be back with a revamped blog in due course

stay tuned !!

Thursday 25 August 2016



Regierung stellt Programm zur Steigerung der Produktion vor. Zahlen eher ernüchternd, Inflation hoch. Regierung und Provinzen verschuldet

Von Richard Tillmann

ARGENTINIEN befindet sich wirtschaftlich weiterhin auf Talfahrt. Nun hat die Regierung um Präsident Mauricio Macri einen neuen Wirtschaftsplan angekündigt. Dieser "Nationale Produktionsplan" (Plan Productivo Nacional, PPN) soll dabei helfen, verschiedene Branchen umzustrukturieren und effizienter zu machen.

Der PPN soll argentinische Unternehmen zugleich konkurrenzfähiger machen und besser in den Weltmarkt integrieren. Gleichzeitig sollen die Preise spezifischer Produkte gesenkt und mehr qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte ausgebildet werden. Die vorgesehenen Maßnahmen wie etwa Kapitalkostensenkungen, Steuerreformen und Innovationsförderung betreffen hauptsächlich die heimische Elektronik-, Textil- und Autoindustrie.

Bereits mit großer Spannung werden die Auswirkungen dieser Maßnahmen auf die Insel-Provinz Feuerland erwartet. Nirgendwo anders im Land sind die Produktionskosten so hoch und nirgendwo ist ein derart großer Anteil der Bevölkerung (über 10.000 Menschen) in der Elektronikindustrie tätig. Das ist auch ein Resultat der Regionalpolitik von Ex-Präsidentin Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.


Ein Aufschwung der argentinischen Industrie würde sich mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit positiv auf die seit längerer Zeit andauernde Inflation auswirken. Nach wie vor steigen in ARGENTINIEN die Preise und Lebenskosten monatlich um mehrere Prozentpunkte an. Vor diesem Hintergrund überraschte Präsident Macri mit der Aussage, dass die Diskussionen rund um das Thema Inflation in die Irre führten und er der Zukunft optimistisch entgegensehe. Ein Blick auf aktuelle Zahlen und Fakten zeigen die Realitätsferne dieser Aussage.

Die Inflation stieg in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2016 um über 27 Prozent auf einen kumulierten Jahresvergleichswert von rund 45 Prozent. Die steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten wirkten sich wiederum auf den Gesamtkonsum aus. Dieser ging im Juni 2016 im Vergleich zum Vormonat um 6,4 Prozent zurück. Seit dem Amtsantritt Macris ist zudem ein Verlust der Kaufkraft von fast zehn Prozent zu verzeichnen. Aufgrund von Produktionsproblemen droht aktuell ein landesweiter Engpass an Lebensmitteln des täglichen Gebrauchs.

Ein weiteres gravierendes Wirtschaftsproblem sind die konstant wachsenden Schulden der Nation und der Provinzen. In der vergangenen Woche traf sich Macri mit den 23 argentinischen Gouverneuren in seinem Amtssitz Casa Rosada. Gemeinsam wurden Abmachungen getroffen, um die Haushalte aller Provinzen bis 2019 auszugleichen. Deren Gesamtschulden hatten sich Ende 2015 auf 95 Milliarden Peso (gut 5,7 Milliarden Euro) belaufen. Allein die einwohnerstärkste Provinz Buenos Aires hat über 20 Milliarden Peso (gut 1,2 Milliarden Euro) Schulden.

Argentiniens Bundesregierung informierte bereits Ende Juli, dass das primäre Staatshaushaltsdefizit - ohne Finanzertrag - für den Monat Juni über 45 Milliarden Peso (gut 2,7 Milliarden Euro) beträgt. Betrachtet auf die ganze erste Jahreshälfte von 2016 beläuft es sich sogar auf über 133 Milliarden Peso (knapp acht Milliarden Euro). Wie die Tageszeitung Clarín berichtet, handle es sich dabei um einen zu tiefen, "beschönigten" Wert. Zudem weist sie darauf hin, dass der Staatskasse einerseits Steuereinnahmen von Exportwaren wegen rückläufigen Verkaufszahlen und Steuersenkungsreformen fehlen, anderseits Mehrwertsteuereinnahmen aufgrund des sinkenden Konsums.

Während Ex-Finanzsekretär Guillermo Nielsen eine düstere Zukunft prognostiziert, erhoffen sich andere neue Impulse dank ausländischer Investitionen. Argentinien sei auf globalem Niveau wieder glaubwürdig, schreibt die Tageszeitung La Nación und berichtet über ausländische Investitionsversprechen von mehr als 170 Milliarden US-Dollar. Während lateinamerikanische Länder wie Brasilien (70 Milliarden US-Dollar), Mexiko (30-40 Milliarden US-Dollar) und Chile (20 Milliarden US-Dollar) in den vergangenen Jahren hohe Investitionen anlockten, lag Argentinien mit jährlich nur sieben bis elf Milliarden US-Dollar am Ende der Skala.

Dass jedoch im Ringen um ausländische Investitionen die Inflation ein riesiges Handicap ist, dürfte selbst der Regierung Macri klar sein. Carlos Balter, Präsident der Demokratischen Partei Mendoza, sieht zudem die Regierung vor einem gewaltigen wirtschaftspolitischen Dilemma zwischen den Haushaltsschulden und der wirtschaftlichen Öffnung des Landes: Es sei schier unmöglich, angemessene Wirtschaftsreformen zu ergreifen, die der eigenen Volkswirtschaft nützen und gleichzeitig den exportorientierten Unternehmen nicht schaden.

Tuesday 2 August 2016



Argentina be aware: 

Plutocracy too long tolerated leaves democracy on the auction block, 
subject to the highest bidder
Bill Moyers 

At a time when shortages and the increase in public services rates are the most important concerns of the Argentinian population, President MAURICIO MACRI affirms that inflation is an illusion and that he is optimistic about the country’s future.

In statements he gave to the TV station Telefe, MACRI expressed that “inflation is decreasing and next year it will be less than 20 per cent. Inflation is a lie, it was imposed”.


He repeated once again that he is working “so that people can live better” and insisted that he can’t reverse the economic adjustments after so many years of incorrect policies —in reference to previous government lead by NESTOR KIRCHNER and CRISTINA FERNÁNDEZ.

His latest appearance took place after thousands of people carried out “piquetes” and “common cooking pot” in 100 different spots in BUENOS AIRES City, to protest against unemployment and the increase in the living cost. Also, a “cacerolazo” was heard all across the country against the raise in the electric power, gas and water rates. The unrest was of course never broadcast by the dominant government loyal media. According to “establishment” media of ARGENTINA the country is doing superb………………….


Official figures contradict the President’s speech, because in the first months of the year, inflation rates went up by 27% reaching an annual accumulationof 43 to 45%, according to studies carried out by a consultancy firm. It was MACRI who accused the previous government of falsifying inflation statistics and thus seems to have taking a liking in it, but of course the local media would never point the finger at him. For they won the election for him through intense social engineering.  

Symbol for Argentine Government change
2001: President De la Rua flees by helicopter from
Casa Rosada
The cost of life has forced the population to change their consumption habits, which dropped again in June, this time by 6,4%, especially regarding the consumption of food, a drop that was already notorious in the first trimester, with a drop of 3,6%. A study carried out by Scentia shows that the areas that suffered the worst contraction were cleaning products, cosmetics and toiletries, non-perishable food, alcoholic beverages, water and sodas. On the other hand, the fuel consumption decreased by 3,07%, which puts gas stations at risk, as warned by the Confederation of Hydrocarbon Commerce Entities of ARGENTINA.

In this context in which the cost of living is increasing, a study showed that for a four-member family not to fall under the category of “poor” in BUENOS AIRES city, they needed, in June, a monthly income of, at least, 12,709 pesos (that is, 850 dollars). And a minimum of 6,307 pesos (420 dollars) not to be considered “indigents”, as the General Direction of Statistics and Census of the City government revealed in its study on the Indigence and Poverty Line for the houses of BUENOS AIRES cities. The study measures the economic needs of five types of households, but it uses a model family: a 35 year-old couple, both economically active, property owners, with 2 children, aged 9 and 6. Many families in BUENOS AIRES don’t own a house but rent, which means they would need between 6,000 and 8,000 pesos more (400 to 533 dollars) not to fall below the poverty line.

Sunday 31 July 2016



In December 2015 vassal “managers” seized power in ARGENTINA where millionaire MAURICIO MACRI ruled by decree, by-passing constitutional legality. MACRI fired scores of thousands of public service workers, closed social agencies and appointed judges and prosecutors without Congressional vote. He arbitrarily arrested social movement leaders - violating democratic procedures.

MACRI’S Economic and Finance Ministers gained millions of dollars by ‘buying into’ multinational oil companies just prior to handing over private options on public enterprises. (Now ARGENTINA is importing gas from “SHELL” at higher rates then when it used to buy from BOLIVIA!)


The all-encompassing swindles and fraud carried out by the ‘new managers’ were covered up by the US media, who praised MACRI’S professional team.

Moreover, MACRI’S economic performance was a disaster. Exorbitant user fees on utilities and transport for consumers and business enterprises, increased three to ten-fold, forcing bankruptcy rates to soar and households to suffer light and gas closures.
Wall Street vulture funds received seven billion dollar payment from MACRI’S managers, for defaulted loans purchased for pennies over a dollar, twenty-fold greater than the original lenders.

Data based on standard economic indicators, highlights the worst economic performance in a decade and a half.
Price inflation exceeds 40%; public debt increased by twenty percent in six months.

Living standards and employment sharply declined. Growth and investment data was negative. Mismanagement, official corruption and arbitrary governance, did not induce confidence among local small and medium size businesses.


The “respectable media”, led by the NEW YORK TIMES, the FINANCIAL TIMES, the WALL STREET JOURNAL, WASHINGTON POST, as well as ARGENTINE newspapers such as CLARIN and LA NACION falsified every aspect of MACRI’S regime. The current regime, together with the CLARIN conglomerate are currently conducting large scale “Social Engineering” in ARGENTINA.

Failed economic policies implemented by bankers turned cabinet ministers were dubbed long-term successes; crude ideologically driven policies promoting foreign investor profiteering were re-invented as business incentives.

Political thugs dismantled and replaced civil service agencies were labelled ‘a new management team’ by the vulgar propaganda scribes of the financial press.

Definition of “Social Engineering” in ARGENTINA

 Social engineering is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence particular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments, media such as the CLARIN conglomerate or private groups in order to produce desired characteristics in a target population.

Social engineering can also be understood philosophically as a deterministic phenomenon where the intentions and goals of the architects of the new social construct are realized.

Social engineers use the scientific method to analyze and understand social systems in order to design the appropriate methods to achieve the desired results in the human subjects.

Social engineering can be carried out by any organization, without regard to scale, or sponsorship in the public or private sector. Some of the most comprehensive, and most pervasive campaigns of social engineering are those initiated by powerful central governments with the systems of authority to widely affect the individuals and cultures within their purview.

Extremely intensive social engineering campaigns occurred in countries with authoritarian governments. In ARGENTINA’S case the pro government media, which accounts for almost 90%, has done so by simply feeding the public carefully selected information that in most cases does not concur to reality.  

Discussion of the possibilities for manipulation became especially active following the close win of the presidential elections by Macri. With the advent of mass television, social networks and continuing discussion of techniques of social engineering, particularly in advertising, and bias-based journalism, such approaches remain quite pertinent in the western model of consumer capitalism. Journalism, when the intent is not to report objectively, but to report with an intent to sway popular attitudes and social behaviors or to "shape public opinion", comes under the scope of social engineering, which is clearly the case in ARGENTINA under the rule of Macri. 

This also applies when information that would bring into question the viewpoints and social goals of a journalistic establishment is withheld in favor of other information.

Friday 29 July 2016



 “President RECEP TAYYIP ERDOĞAN prepared a list of targets for arrest even before the coup (sic) was launched”, EUROPEAN Commission official on TURKEY (quoted in FT, 7/19/2016).


A group of military officers and police officials were set-up to seize power by senior intelligence operatives in the ERDOĞAN regime. They were allowed to drop a few bombs, seize bridges and buildings before they were encircled, rounded-up and arrested using a list of targets for arrest prepared even before the so-called coup. In the midst of this fake coup, the ‘vacationing’ ERDOĞAN flies into ISTANBUL unharmed, of course, because his vacation resort was bombed after he had left. He seizes the mass media, denounces the coup, rouses the Muslim masses and sets about on a mass purge of TURKISH society, concentrating on the civil service, teachers and administrators, the military, the courts and judges. Indeed every institution capable of independent action or reputedly critical of ERDOĞAN is closed. After a week over 60,000 people had been purged.

Why did ERDOĞAN purge TURKISH society?

What policies will follow ERDOĞAN’S power grab?


Over the past 5 years ERDOĞAN has suffered a series of political, economic and diplomatic failures and defeats, seriously undermining his dictatorial and territorial ambitions. His air force shot down a RUSSIAN military jet operating within SYRIAN territory. The images of TURKISH jihadi mercenaries murdering a RUSSIAN pilot as he parachuted to safety, as well as a member of the RUSSIAN rescue party, caused the RUSSIAN government to halt the multi-billion-dollar RUSSIAN tourism industry in TURKEY and cancel lucrative business deals. He broke relations with ISRAEL, which undercut a lucrative gas and oil offshore contract. His support for ISIS and other violent Salafist mercenary groups operating in IRAQ and SYRIA provoked a rupture with SYRIA and IRAN. His subsequent effort to disavow TURKEY’S links with ISIS led to a series of horrific terror bombings by jihadi cells implanted in the country. TURKEY’S diplomatic position in EGYPT deteriorated as ERDOĞAN sought to maintain his ties with the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD after it had been ousted from power by a US sponsored EGYPTIAN military coup.

Domestically, ERDOĞAN alienated the secular KEMALIST military and civilian political-economic elite via trumped up trials and media purges. ERDOĞAN’S heavy-handed assault on liberal and leftist protestors over environmental issues increased Western concern. His brutal handling of the labor protests following the 2014 SOMA coalmine disaster, when over 300 workers were killed, further isolated him.

ERDOĞAN’S war on the KURDISH independence movements in TURKEY, IRAQ and especially in SYRIA, where they were allied with the US against the jihadi terrorist ISIS, added to domestic unrest and international isolation.

In order to consolidate his executive power, ERDOĞAN had first allied with the extensive GULENIST-ISLAMIST networks in TURKEY in order to undermine the KEMALISTS and then he turned around to purge his former allies.

Faced with enemies and adversaries at home and overseas, ERDOĞAN decided on a dual strategy of improving his ties abroad, especially his links with RUSSIA and ISRAEL while launching a total war on domestic critics.


ERDOĞAN’S intelligence operatives within the military command encouraged or even provoked his critics in the General Staff, who were fed up with his bungling and disastrous policies, to mount a coup. They gave the rebellious military sufficient space and resources to provide a semblance of authority while retaining strategic control over the air force and key ground troops. They may have feigned sympathy to the launching of a premature uprising …doomed to defeat. Once the heavily infiltrated rebel units moved, the entire ERDOĞAN operation struck. Hapless conscripts thought they had been called out for military exercises, only to find themselves encircled, arrested and even lynched. The dissidents were isolated, their advances paralyzed, their leaders incapacitated. ERDOĞAN’S loyalist within the TURKISH Air Force flew the triumphant president into the ‘liberated’ ISTANBUL International airport to the cheers of his adoring civilian supporters.

ERDOĞAN immediately decreed a massive purge – in the name of the fatherland. A real coup had indeed taken place – ERDOĞAN’S total power grab. The entire political, military, judicial and police system was stripped of personnel within hours. There were over 20,000 arrests, beatings and disappearances. There were calls to re-introduce the death penalty.

ERDOĞAN’S power grab eliminated key US assets among the GULENIST and eliminated independent Supreme Court officials and secular republican officials. The president was free to rebuild an entire civil, governmental and military apparatus with his own loyalists. His control over the media and the educational institutions was total.


ERDOĞAN’S pre-emptive coup, purge and power grab will result in a monolithic state which ERDOĢAN will shape into his long-sought version of an Islamist regime. The new regime announced a ‘State of Emergency’, which places all TURKS under strict compliance with ERDOĞAN’S policies.

ERDOĞAN’S “New Order” will launch large-scale operations against the KURDS, with no respect for the SYRIAN or IRAQI national borders. ERDOĞAN will ensure compliance with Islamist decrees designed to enforce conformity. He will succeed in imposing a dictatorial ‘Presidential’ regime. And parliament, if necessary will be bypassed; his ‘electoral’ mandate will be ensured.

In the immediate aftermath, mass detentions will strengthen the state – and ERDOĞAN’S generals, allied religious authorities and street thugs will call the shots.

Unleashing force and violence against his domestic enemies, however, may lead to internal disputes among the new predators over the spoils of victory. The economic elite may accept the New Order, but only if and when ERDOĞAN tones down his rhetorical attacks on the US and the EU.

ERDOĞAN has yet to develop a strategy on replacing the purged (‘GULENIST’) professionals within the civilian economy and public bureaucracy – especially the schools and judiciary. The impetuous reversals of his reckless policy of confrontation with RUSSIA, SYRIA, ISRAEL, IRAN, IRAQ and the KURDS are likely to generate new layers of discontent, especially among his current military commanders.

ERDOĞAN’S New Order arises from the breakdown of civil society and long-term alliances. He may remain in power in ANKARA but he will be viewed as more of a local political thug than a partner among the regional big powers.

ERDOĞAN’S external allies will exploit his isolation and radical bombast to forge lucrative alliances. ISRAEL will push for favorable gas and oil deals; RUSSIA will insist that ERDOĞAN abandons his ISIS allies. The US will demand he cease attacks on the KURDS. The EU will use the ongoing purge and re-institution of the death penalty to finally declare TURKEY unfit to join the EUROPEAN UNION. Bankers and foreign investors will wait for ERDOĞAN to stop his rampage over the financial sector and ‘get serious’ about the economy.


buttressed by street mobs, praetorian guards and crony capitalists makes for an unstable and unruly TURKEY. ERDOĞAN’S military loyalists have their own rivalries and ambitions. Now that ERDOĞAN has established his ‘military road to power’, he has set a clear precedent for other ‘ERDOĞAN’S’ to take the same route.

In the short-run ERDOĞAN needs to restart the economy, stabilize the political system and establish a semblance of international order.

ERDOĞAN cannot and probably will not prolong tensions with the US over the GULEN affair. GULEN will remain in PENNSYLVANIA, in the CIA’s ‘regime change’ pocket. Meanwhile, he has eliminated most of the GULENIST agents capable of working with the US as a fifth-column. The question is whether he now moves back to his role as a ‘valued’ NATO junior partner, or if he will launch an intensified war against the US’s strategic KURDISH allies?

ERDOĞAN’S ties with RUSSIA are precarious. There is no reason for the RUSSIANS to trust him. He has fallen somewhere between the need for reconciliation with RUSSIA and the desire to continue his proxy war against the government of SYRIA.

In the end ERDOĞAN may have secured power and undertaken a vast domestic purge of his enemies, but he has lost the regional war while bearing the consequences of millions of war refugees and a deeply entrenched jihadi terrorist threat within TURKEY.

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Prof. James Petras, Global Research, 2016

Monday 25 July 2016



A lot of people in EUROPE are wondering why political leaders on the continent seem to be ready to agree with whatever TURKISH President RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN says, and do anything he demands. Many resent ERDOGAN’S hand-twisting approach to the migrant crisis and worry about TURKEY turning into a dictatorship, plain and simple.

Now, the attempted coup by the TURKISH military has become the latest event to highlight TURKEY’S major role in the global energy market and the implications of any political shakeup in the country for this same market.

The BOSPHORUS is where around 3 percent of daily global crude oil shipments pass, or some 3 million barrels. This may not be a lot in percentage terms, but for EUROPE it accounts for well over a quarter of its total crude oil imports. EUROPE imported 1.559 billion barrels from the former SOVIET UNION last year, or an average of 4 million barrels daily, according to EUROPEAN Commission figures.


Besides the BOSPHORUS, TURKEY is also home to two pipelines for CASPIAN and IRAQI crude, as well as the Southern Gas Corridor, which should provide EUROPE with an alternative source of natural gas in hopes of undermining the leading position of RUSSIA’S Gazprom on the EUROPEAN market.

There is also the CEYHAN port, TURKEY’S main crude export terminal. This is where the two pipelines from AZERBAIJAN and IRAQ end up, and this is also allegedly where a lot of ISIS oil ends up. In short, TURKEY is already a major hub for oil and gas coming from the MIDDLE EAST and CENTRAL ASIA, and its importance in this respect will only grow as new projects—especially gas projects—come online.
Then there is the SYRIAN war, and TURKEY’S vested interest in it in light of plans for a pipeline that would carry gas from QATAR to TURKEY, and from there, on to EUROPE. This pipeline would serve the geopolitical interests of SAUDI ARABIA, helping it to get the upper hand over IRAN, which, now that most of the economic sanctions against it have been lifted, is eager to return to the global energy market. It would also, some would argue, serve U.S. geopolitical interests by once again undermining RUSSIA’S dominance as gas supplier to the EUROPEAN continent.


IRAQ’S agreement to allow IRAN to build a pipeline through its territory and on to SYRIA is in direct competition with QATAR’S similar designs for a SYRIA pipeline that would connect to TURKEY. This pipeline is another proxy in the SYRIAN conflict theater and Iran’s response to its loss of ground here. It is also a sign of IRAN’S growing foothold in IRAQ. QATAR will respond in kind.

The IRAQI Cabinet green lighted IRAN’S $10 billion pipeline project, which will supply gas from the South Pars field (which is the largest in the world, and which, as mentioned above, it shares with QATAR) to SYRIA and beyond to other export markets. There is talk of extending the pipeline to LEBANON.

The first part of the pipeline—some 225 kilometers—through IRAQ will reportedly be completed in June 2013. The pipeline will connect the southern IRANIAN port of Assolouyeh to IRAQ and then to SYRIA—for now. It will have a 110 million cubic meter/day capacity. The plan is to give IRAQ 20 million cubic meters/day of IRANIAN gas for its power plants, with 20-25 million cubic meters/day going to SYRIA. Source: http://news.az/articles/iran/41175


These geopolitical interests largely overlap with EUROPEAN ones. The EUROPEAN UNION (EU) has made it abundantly clear that it wants a variety of energy supply sources. Natural gas is especially important as a cleaner and cheaper alternative to crude. Europe will need more gas in the years to come, and it doesn’t want it to come from RUSSIA—or at least not so much of it.

This is why EUROPE is tip-toeing around ERDOGAN; and this is why EUROPEAN leaders seem to dance to any tune ANKARA’S boss plays. That’s also why EUROPEAN leaders were not too enthusiastic when the attempted coup failed, despite official declarations in support of ERDOGAN’S government.


They did have enough dignity left to warn him to watch himself when dealing with the coup plotters; yet one cannot help but ask: what is EUROPE going to do if ERDOGAN decides to re-introduce the death penalty, especially for them? What is it going to do if he uses the coup to further curb civil rights and cement himself at the helm? Refuse to admit TURKEY into the EUROPEAN UNION? Not a big deal as far as ERDOGAN and his vision of a new imperial TURKEY that dominates the region are concerned.

ERDOGAN will in all likelihood be the new master of the EUROPEAN gas tap. It’s ironic how democratic EUROPE seems to be forever dependent on dictators for its energy, at least until it goes fully renewable, which is not going to happen any time soon.

By Irina Slav via Oilprice.com

Tuesday 19 July 2016



On October 2nd, a presidential election in AUSTRIA could mark the tipping point of changing political tides in EUROPE and usher in a cycle of right-wing politics.

Recently, AUSTRIA’S Constitutional Court ruled that the results of May’s presidential runoff election were overturned. The Court referred to irregularities in vote counting, which necessitated a re-run. With immigration quickly becoming one of the most important issues for EUROPEAN states, this election could set the precedent for upcoming elections in EUROPE.

Having previously lost by a mere 0.6 percent, NORBERT HOFER of the far right Freedom Party (FPO) stands a good chance of becoming the first far-right head of state in the EUROPEAN UNION. What to expect from a Western democracy led by a far-right president in the 21st century?


While the recent BREXIT was a clear example of a right-wing outcome to a democratic election, the upcoming AUSTRIAN election may be the tipping point towards a EUROPEAN rightist era.

Politics run in cycles, and the previous cycle of left-leaning governments in EUROPE and the AMERICAS appear to be coming to an end.

Fears of immigration, underperforming economies, and a growing sense of disillusion with international governmental organizations is taking hold. With national elections scheduled throughout this year and the next, the political scene may begin to portray new priorities among the populaces.

This will not be a top-down hostile take-over by right-wing party leaders. As Brexit showed, the push came from an active voter bloc. The same will hold true for AUSTRIA’S election in October.

The Constitutional Court’s decision to hold a repeat of the presidential election is widely regarded as the right decision from a legal point of view. This type of repeat election is unprecedented in WESTERN democracies, but when the court found that 14 out of 20 of the constituencies under investigation had irregularities in vote-counting, it was clear that the results of the May election were compromised. The fact that the election was decided by 30,863 votes demonstrates that any claim of vote irregularities had to be taken seriously by the court, or risk allowing a failure of democracy.

The Constitutional Court did its duty by calling for a repeat election, even as it assured AUSTRIA another round of contested presidential elections. Democracy, it can be said, was served as the judicial branch of government worked to guarantee a third opportunity for the AUSTRIAN people to be heard.
While many observers worry that this third round will favor Mr. HOFER, it is difficult to say that this advantage was won in an undemocratic manner. As BREXIT shows, while the result may not be what was expected or favored, it is what the voters wanted. The tides are turning in EUROPE, and that is all a supporter of democracy today may ask for.


Serious concerns exist that far-right politicians elected to positions of leadership will damage the democratic institutions, which brought them to power. This would run counter to claims that democracy begets more democracy, but it is not unprecedented.

In EUROPE, a safety net exists in the high level of interconnection among states. There is a general sense that should a government step too far, the EUROPEAN UNION will intercede at some point. This can be seen in POLAND currently, and this is likely to continue should a far-right party come to power in any EUROPEAN state. While by no means a guarantee, it is probable that the election of a far-right leader would not lead to a decrease in democratic freedoms among the populace, due to this safety net.

Domestic politics are increasingly important as globalization brings the world closer together. AUSTRIA’S upcoming election, no matter the outcome, will be projected onto future elections, particularly the US presidential election in November. The growing trend towards right-wing policies may be a temporary blip on the political radar, or it may be the beginning of a new political cycle.