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"Division" of Northern and Southern Europe" |
First Published in March 2012
Since the beginning of
the financial crisis in GREECE the country has faced some rather unorthodox
political developments. One of them, shaking the “cradle of democracy” rather
fiercely when a technocrat and footman of International Financial Institutions
in particular Goldman Sachs, LUCAS PAPADEMOS seized control over the country
with the pretence of new democratic election calls in 2013. Then, midst fierce
financial rescue negotiations with the EU, GREECE apparently hit the “jackpot”
when recent EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN oil and gas findings stretched further into
the AEGEAN SEAS, revealing that the entire eastern MEDITERRANEAN is swimming in
huge untapped oil and gas reserves. According to recent researches, the
new-found reserves could potentially blot out GREECE’S entire debt, and
possibly have even averted it.
Read related article:
Read related article:
The minute the
potential gas and oil findings in the AEGEAN SEA were confirmed, GERMANY,
EUROPE’S key player, in particular changed its political rhetoric’s towards
GREECE, demanding that a EUROPEAN ‘commission of experts’ should permanently
settled in ATHENS in order to overseeing GREEK finances and budgetary
discipline and that the EU should be given veto power over tax and spend
plans', a move that basically would undermine GREECE’S sovereignty.
In view of these facts
it seems that EU’S key players are ready to push GREECE into the abbeys in
exchange for total control of its natural resources. When looking at the
numbers of recent oil gas findings one will understand why suddenly large
“storm clouds” are looming over GREECE and the EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA:
OIL: Preliminary estimates now are that total
offshore oil in GREEK waters exceeds 22 billion barrels in the IONIAN SEA off
WESTERN GREECE and some 4 billion barrels in the NORTHERN AEGEAN SEA.
GAS: Recent natural gas surveys conducted in the
area will generate an estimate of some nine trillion dollars in
revenues, which would transform the finances of GREECE and the entire region.
Oil traders and
experts estimate that GREECE could potentially solve its entire public debt
crisis through development of its new-found gas and oil. Conservative estimates
indicate that exploitation of the reserves already discovered could bring the
country more than €302 billion over 25 years.
The GREEK government
instead has just been forced to agree to huge government layoffs, wage cuts and
pension cuts to get access to EU and IMF loans that will only drive the country
deeper into an economic decline.
The IMF and EU
governments, in particularly GERMANY, demand that GREECE sell off its valuable
ports and public companies, among them of course, GREEK STATE OIL companies, to
reduce state debt. Under the best of conditions the asset selloffs would bring
the country perhaps €50 billion. Furthermore plans call for the GREEK
state-owned natural gas company, DEPA, to privatize 65% of its shares to reduce
debt. Buyers would likely come from outside the country, as few GREEK
companies are in a position in the crisis to take it.
In principal this
reflects common IMF strategy; used in ARGENTINA and resulted in the countries
default. ARGENTINES state assets were privatized and bought by US and European
corporations with close ties to the IMF.
(See Argentine Water http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_privatization_in_Argentina
Related article, see: http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2013/04/feindbild-deutschland.html
One significant
problem, aside from the fact the IMF demands GREECE selloff its public oil
interests, is the fact that GREECE has not declared a deeper exclusive economic
zone like most other countries which drill for oil. There was seen little need
until now. An EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE (EEZ) gives states special mineral rights
in its declared waters under the THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION on the Law of
the Sea (UNCLOS), which came into force in November 1994. (See http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2012/02/eastern-mediterranean-sea.html
EEZ http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2012/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-us-x-none_14.html
Greece’s EEZ issue
thus could trigger a new conflict with TURKEY which already is at odds with
almost every country bordering the MEDITERRANEAN SEA for it fears of losing the
prospect of becoming a major regional energy hub which would increase its geo –
political influence in the region and make it a key player in future energy
deals, thus eliminating certain “dependence” on EUROPE and last but not least
abolish EU membership talks and at the same time pursue its NEO –OTTOMAN EMPIRE
TURKEY reiterated that
it would consider it an act of war if GREECE drilled further into the AEGEAN.
Until now that did not seem to have serious economic consequences, as no oil or
gas reserves were known. With these findings however the situation changed
significantly. GREECE could cover “50% of its needs with the oil to be found in
offshore fields in the AEGEAN SEA.
To add another
ingredient to the already poisoned cocktail is that the US also wants a share
of the cake and thus is becoming increasingly nervous and manipulative when it
comes to natural resources dealings in the region, which the USA considers its
turf in the first place.
comes as no surprise that in
July 2011 WASHINGTON seriously stepped in to join the GREEK energy game.
Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON flew to ATHENS with energy on her mind. That
was clear by the fact she brought with her her Special Envoy for EURASIAN
has been the key WASHINGTON architects of WASHINGTON’S geopolitically-motivated
oil and gas pipeline projects that would isolate RUSSIA and its GAZPROM gas
resources from the EU. MORNINGSTAR and his aid are open opponents of RUSSIAN
GAZPROM’S SOUTH STREAM gas pipeline that would transit the EASTERN
MEDITERRANEAN states. It seems that the current Administration is not at all
neutral about the New Greek oil and gas discoveries, for three days after
Hillary left ATHENS the GREEK government proposed the creation of a new
government agency to run tenders for oil and gas surveys and ultimate drilling
Allegedly Morningstar
was instrumental in backing the controversial B-T-C oil pipeline from BAKU
a costly enterprise designed solely to bypass RUSSIAN oil pipeline transit. He
has openly proposed that GREECE and TURKEY drop all historic differences
over CYPRUS, over numerous other historic issues and agree to jointly pool all
their oil and gas reserves in the AEGEAN SEA. He also has told the GREEK
government it should forget cooperation with MOSCOW on the SOUTH STREAM and
BOURGAS-ALEXANDROUPOLIS gas pipeline projects. (See http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2011/09/middle-east-energy-wars.html
and http://www.naturalgaseurope.com/russia-seeks-to-play-a-leading-role-in-eastern-mediterranean-gas-development-5216
) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burgas%E2%80%93Alexandroupoli_pipeline
Such proposal clearly
shows that he lacks profound knowledge of the regional conflict between CYPRUS
and TURKEY as well as GREECE’S stance on TURKEY and last but not least RUSSIA’S
and CYPRUS’S relations and mentality of these cultures.
According to a report
from GREEK political analyst Aristotle Vassilakis published in July 2011,
WASHINGTON’S motive for pushing GREECE to join forces with TURKEY on oil and
gas is to force a formula to divide resulting oil and gas revenues.
According to his
report, WASHINGTON proposes that GREECE get 20% of revenues, TURKEY another 20%
and the US-backed NOBLE ENERGY Company of HOUSTON TEXAS, the company
successfully drilling in the ISRAELI and GREEK offshore waters, would get the
lion’s share of 60%. Among other issues it seems obvious that the EU, with
all means, wants to achieve a “hostile takeover” of GREECE in order to stop US
advances in the region. Worthwhile to mention is that Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill, is a Washington lobbyist for NOBLE ENERGY. Thus
the circle starts to close.
As if these
geopolitical complications were not enough, NOBLE ENERGY has also discovered
huge volumes of gas off the waters of the REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS. In December 2011
NOBLE announced a successful well offshore CYPRUS in a field estimated to hold
at least 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. According to NOBLE ENERGY the
latest discovery in CYPRUS further highlight the quality and significance of
this world-class basin.
complicated piece of real estate. In the 1970’s as declassified US Government
documents recently revealed, then-US Secretary of State HENRY KISSINGER
actively encouraged and facilitated arms to the TURKISH regime of KISSINGER’S
former Harvard student and then- Prime Minister BULENT ECEVIT, to stage a
military invasion of CYPRUS in 1974, in effect partitioning the island between
an ethnically TURKISH north and an ethnically GREEK REPUBLIC of CYPRUS in the
south, a division which remains. The KISSINGER strategy, backed by the BRITISH
was believed intended to create a pretext for a permanent US and BRITISH
military listening post in the EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN during the Cold
War. (See http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2012/02/eastern-mediterranean-sea.html
Today the ethnically
GREEK south, where NOBLE has discovered large gas deposits, is a member of the
EU. Its President, DEMETRIS CHRISTOFIAS, is the only national leader in the
EUROPEAN UNION who is a communist. He is also a close friend of ISRAEL, and of
RUSSIA. In addition, he is a major critic of AMERICAN foreign policy, as well
as of TURKEY. Thus CYPRUS is financially heavily supported by RUSSIA for RUSSIA
holds a large amount of off shore accounts on the islands banks and provided
CYPRUS a “bailout” credit to avoid default. See: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/655a3fd2-de31-11e0-9fb7-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1pOl6qaog
and http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2012/02/eastern-mediterranean-sea.html
Now ISRAEL is planning
to build an underwater gas pipeline from the ISRAELI LEVANTINE fields across
CYPRUS waters onto the GREEK mainland where it would be sold on the EU market.
The CYPRUS and ISRAEL governments have mutually agreed on delimitation of their
respective ECONOMIC ZONES, leaving TURKEY in the cold. TURKEY openly threatened
CYPRUS for signing the agreement with NOBLE ENERGY. That led to a RUSSIAN
statement that it would not tolerate TURKISH threats against CYPRUS, further
complicating TURKISH-RUSSIAN relations.
relations, once quite friendly, have become increasingly strained in recent
years under ERDOGAN foreign policies. ANKARA has expressed concern about
ISRAEL’S recent ties with its historic antagonists, GREECE and the GREEK side of
internationally recognized entity), fears it could miss out on its fair share
of the gas after ISRAEL and NICOSIA signed an agreement to divide the 250
kilometers of sea that separate them.
It becomes evident,
especially when we glance at a map of the eastern Mediterranean, that the oil
and gas prospective bonanza there is a rapidly unfolding conflict zone of
tectonic magnitude involving strategic US, RUSSIAN, EU, ISRAELI and TURKISH,
SYRIAN and LEBANESE interests. (See TAPA pipeline http://geopoliticsrst.blogspot.com.ar/2011/12/syria-cause-and-effect.html
Parts of above article
incorporate F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL article : Rising energy tensions in the Aegean—Greece,
Turkey, Cyprus
By Dr
Robert M Cutler (http://www.robertcutler.org),
With all its
complexity mentioned above, ROMANIA joining the energy hype in the region and
one can assume that the latest BLACK SEA offshore sector gas findings will have
potential ramifications for the entire EURO-CASPIAN energy complex from CENTRAL
ASIA to CENTRAL EUROPE. This find will re-jig calculations around the EUROPEAN
UNION'S SOUTHERN GAS CORRIDOR while providing potential new sources of energy
In that context, the potential for ROMANIA to become a natural gas exporter to SOUTHEASTERN and even EAST CENTRAL EUROPE comes into focus. The significance of the ROMANIAN strike concerns the eventual choice by the consortium developing AZERBAIJAN'S offshore SHAH DENIZ natural gas deposit, between the "western" (through GREECE to ITALY) route for its 10 billion cubic meters per year (bcm/y) gas and the "northern" (through BULGARIA to SOUTHEASTERN Europe) route. Interesting to note in this context is the fact that ISRAEL and AZERBAIJAN hold strong economic ties with emphasis on energy related projects as well as defense.See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijan%E2%80%93Israel_relations and http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/west-asia-africa/32445-israel-inks-arms-deal-azerbejain-azerbaijan-iran-relations-detoriate.html
In that context, the potential for ROMANIA to become a natural gas exporter to SOUTHEASTERN and even EAST CENTRAL EUROPE comes into focus. The significance of the ROMANIAN strike concerns the eventual choice by the consortium developing AZERBAIJAN'S offshore SHAH DENIZ natural gas deposit, between the "western" (through GREECE to ITALY) route for its 10 billion cubic meters per year (bcm/y) gas and the "northern" (through BULGARIA to SOUTHEASTERN Europe) route. Interesting to note in this context is the fact that ISRAEL and AZERBAIJAN hold strong economic ties with emphasis on energy related projects as well as defense.See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijan%E2%80%93Israel_relations and http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/west-asia-africa/32445-israel-inks-arms-deal-azerbejain-azerbaijan-iran-relations-detoriate.html
last week that a consortium comprising the US major EXXON MOBIL and the
ROMANIAN company PETROM (a subsidiary of the AUSTRIAN OMV) has struck over 100
bcm of gas in ROMANIA'S first deep-water offshore exploration. He said this
figure was subject to revision upwards, since there were five other geological
formations in the area with characteristics similar to the successful find. If
they all proved out the same way, the result would give ROMANIA over a half a
trillion cubic meters of offshore natural gas - equivalent to 25-30 years of
total ROMANIAN gas consumption at the present rate, or 75-90 years worth of its
gas imports.
Separately in BULGARIA a week ago it was announced that, in conformance with a February 2011 decision by the EU's EUROPEAN COUNCIL that every EU member state should have at least two sources of natural gas and electricity, the BULGARIAN company BULGARTRANSGAZ will cooperate to build the transborder Interconnector BULGARIA-ROMANIA (IBR). BULGARIA imports most of its gas from RUSSIA, which cut off supplies for three weeks in January 2009 and is thought to be maneuvering within the BULGARIAN political environment to maintain its hegemonic position in the BULGARIAN gas market.
Separately in BULGARIA a week ago it was announced that, in conformance with a February 2011 decision by the EU's EUROPEAN COUNCIL that every EU member state should have at least two sources of natural gas and electricity, the BULGARIAN company BULGARTRANSGAZ will cooperate to build the transborder Interconnector BULGARIA-ROMANIA (IBR). BULGARIA imports most of its gas from RUSSIA, which cut off supplies for three weeks in January 2009 and is thought to be maneuvering within the BULGARIAN political environment to maintain its hegemonic position in the BULGARIAN gas market.
Thus while according to the BULGARIAN press agency NOVINITE the US company CHEVRON will soon start drilling for shale gas in the northeastern ROMANIA around BARLAD, the BULGARIAN cabinet recently made it impossible for CHEVRON to develop shale gas in BULGARIA by revoking an earlier awarded permit for hydraulic fracturing ("fracking"). BULGARIAN environmental activists are now seeking legislation to make that ban permanent.
In response, an organization called Movement for Energy Independence (DEN) has formed in BULGARIA calling for the fracking moratorium to be cancelled and for the until now dilatory work on all interconnectors to be accelerated, including the ITB, the IBR, and also the INTERCONNECTOR GREECE-BULGARIA (IGB).
DEN also criticizes the current government for enforcing BULGARIA'S gas dependence upon RUSSIA by favoring the MOSCOW-based SOUTH STREAM GAS PIPELINE PROJECT (MOSCOW to BULGARIA under the BLACK SEA) and seeking to help exempt GAZPROM from oncoming EU antitrust rules by accelerating the pipeline's timetable.
The IBR, on the other hand, if constructed to be bi directionally reversible, would make it possible not only for BULGARIA to import ROMANIAN gas directly from ROMANIA, but also to transit to ROMANIA the gas that BULGARIA might receive from AZERBAIJAN'S offshore SHAH DENIZ deposit via GEORGIA, TURKEY, and the Interconnector TURKEY-BULGARIA (ITB) still under construction.
An Interconnector TURKEY-GREECE (ITG) is
already operating, but the SHAH DENIZ consortium has ruled out its extension
into the Interconnector TURKEY-GREECE-ITALY (ITGI) to SOUTHERN EUROPE via the
Interconnector GREECE-ITALY (IGI) across GREECE and under the IONIAN SEA to
ITALY'S geographical boot. (The undersea segment by itself is called the
Poseidon pipeline.)
However, this does not mean that the SHAH DENIZ consortium has ruled out either the ITG or the separate Interconnector TURKEY-BULGARIA (ITB), should it choose a northern rather than a western route for its gas. Given the newly announced interconnector between BULGARIA and ROMANIA, either the ITG-IGB duo or the ITB by itself would be able to hook up into ROMANIAN national pipeline system via the IBR.
The SHAH DENIZ consortium has yet to choose between the BP-proposed South East European Pipeline (SEEP) or a reconfiguration of the NABUCCO pipeline project for the possible northern route. After choosing one of those, it will then choose between it and the designated western-route pipeline, the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which is set to cross GREECE, ALBANIA, and go underneath the ADRIATIC SEA to ITALY'S boot.
Indeed, earlier this week, the BULGARIAN cabinet approved the agreement between the BULGARIAN company NABUCCO Gas Pipeline BULGARIA and the international consortium NABUCCO Gas Pipeline International, signed in June 2011. The next step is for the BULGARIAN Parliament to ratify the contract, following which the stages for implementation of the NABUCCO project in BULGARIA may be further specified.
However, none of this means that the ITGI or the IGI is dead. As a consequence of the debt crisis in GREECE, the GREEK principal in the IGI consortium, the public gas company DEPA, is a candidate for privatization; and RUSSIA'S GAZPROM has shown an interest.
The possibility of the IGI segment transiting gas later in the decade from MOSCOW'S SOUTH STREAM natural gas pipeline has been discussed in the GREEK press now for some time. Sourcing problems, however, continue to plague the SOUTH STREAM project; RUSSIA has never said where any of its gas will come from.
However, this does not mean that the SHAH DENIZ consortium has ruled out either the ITG or the separate Interconnector TURKEY-BULGARIA (ITB), should it choose a northern rather than a western route for its gas. Given the newly announced interconnector between BULGARIA and ROMANIA, either the ITG-IGB duo or the ITB by itself would be able to hook up into ROMANIAN national pipeline system via the IBR.
The SHAH DENIZ consortium has yet to choose between the BP-proposed South East European Pipeline (SEEP) or a reconfiguration of the NABUCCO pipeline project for the possible northern route. After choosing one of those, it will then choose between it and the designated western-route pipeline, the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which is set to cross GREECE, ALBANIA, and go underneath the ADRIATIC SEA to ITALY'S boot.
Indeed, earlier this week, the BULGARIAN cabinet approved the agreement between the BULGARIAN company NABUCCO Gas Pipeline BULGARIA and the international consortium NABUCCO Gas Pipeline International, signed in June 2011. The next step is for the BULGARIAN Parliament to ratify the contract, following which the stages for implementation of the NABUCCO project in BULGARIA may be further specified.
However, none of this means that the ITGI or the IGI is dead. As a consequence of the debt crisis in GREECE, the GREEK principal in the IGI consortium, the public gas company DEPA, is a candidate for privatization; and RUSSIA'S GAZPROM has shown an interest.
The possibility of the IGI segment transiting gas later in the decade from MOSCOW'S SOUTH STREAM natural gas pipeline has been discussed in the GREEK press now for some time. Sourcing problems, however, continue to plague the SOUTH STREAM project; RUSSIA has never said where any of its gas will come from.
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